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Viking Ink by Myf Wren

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Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Viking Ink
By Myf Wren

Viking Ink Cover

Tewsbury Daddies, Book 1

Rhys O'Connell doesn't intend to stay in Sodden Tewsbury. On the run from a dark past, the only way he feels safe is to keep moving. But when a violent attack leaves him injured, he's forced to accept help from the gorgeous ginger giant who runs the local tattoo shop—the same man Rhys has been secretly crushing on—and he soon finds himself falling further for Simon. But can Rhys trust Simon to accept the side of him that he has been forced to keep hidden—the part that loves coloring and soft toys, the part he barely understands himself?

Simon Johansen’s life is busy. Between running Viking Ink, his tattoo shop, and spending time with friends and family he doesn't have time to go looking for romance—and after his last relationship ended disastrously, he's not sure he wants to. But he can't help but be attracted to the shy, pretty boy who busks in the town square, and when a chance arises to take the lad under his wing, he doesn't hesitate. Rhys is everything Simon's ever wanted in a baby boy—but will he accept Simon as his Daddy?

With outside forces closing in and Rhys's past chasing him down, they'll have to fight for their happy ending.

This book is an MM Age Play/ Age Regression romance between consenting adults.

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W hat was left of my laptop lay shattered in front of me, and my father’s shiny black shoes filled my field of vision where I lay crumpled on the floor. I choked back a sob as I watched him bring his foot down heavily on the laptop. The loud crunch and crack of plastic made me flinch and try to curl against myself tighter. I lay there staring at the dust bunnies under my bed, waiting for him to turn his ire onto me, but thankfully the blows didn’t come. This time.

“That’s that. No more of that in my house! Grown men should not be engaging in those disgusting activities. It’s filth, boy!” His voice rose louder as another pair of shoes came into view—the drab, sensible shoes my stepmother preferred to wear.

“Your father is right as always, Rhys. If you continue down this path, your eternal soul will not find salvation,” she said in that condescending tone she always used when she was sermonising at me.

I should have hidden the laptop better.

It had been a gift from my grandad for my twentieth birthday, since he’d known that anything I looked at on the computer was strictly vetted by my stepmother and dad. I could only go on a few sites, and even then, my stepmother watched over my shoulder. Grandad said I needed my independence, to see what was going on in the world—and not through my parents’ hate-tinted glasses.

My laptop had helped me explore what I wanted from life, and helped me understand who I was. Those quirks and differences that had always painted me as ‘wrong’ in my father and stepmother’s eyes, I now saw through a clearer lens. I had never admitted to anyone that I was gay, but I think my grandad knew, and the laptop was his way of showing me that I was not wrong or sinful. Of course, I was a healthy curious young man with the internet, and I stumbled upon things that both shocked and surprised me.

And then I found a site devoted to Daddies and Littles.

It was that site that opened my eyes to a world I hadn’t known existed.

Unfortunately, I’d been browsing the site when my father had chosen to barge into my room. He was supposed to be on late shift at the station since they were a man down until a new constable arrived from London, so I hadn’t expected him to burst into my room, still dressed in his uniform, eyes blazing. Seeing the laptop had sent him into a rage, and before I had a chance to close the browser, he’d ripped it from my hands.

The backhander that followed knocked me off the bed, and led to where I was now, huddled on the floor while my father destroyed the laptop, all the while spouting his hate-filled words.

“Husband, I believe it’s time we dealt with this problem. I think it’s time we sent him to the farm. Father Gordon will have him seeing things clearer.”

I felt ill.

The farm was a horrible place, and nothing like the name suggested. My Father’s church advertised it as being a place of contemplation and religious learning, when in fact it was nothing more than a forced religious conversion camp. I’d been sent there when I was sixteen, my father hoping the back breaking labour and appalling conditions would make me more malleable, more compliant to his will, but all it had done was enforce the desire to leave home as soon as I could.

I’d vowed never to let myself be sent back to the farm.

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Enter the Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of Viking Ink, Myf is giving away 2 e-copies of her debut release!

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for your chance to win!

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About the Author:
Myf Wren lives among the gum trees and kangaroos of rural Australia with her family, a great Dane with the IQ of a potato, and a cat that is actively trying to kill her. Despite this, she still finds time to write mm romance novels where her boys are guaranteed a happy ending!

Contact Myf:



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